黑鹰坠落是一部动作,历史,战争片,1992年,连年的部落战争令东非国家索马里山河破败,民不聊生,由此引发的大饥荒更造成三十万人死亡。掌控首都摩加迪休的独裁者默罕默德•法拉•艾迪德抢走国际组织的救援物资,此举引起世人公愤。丧心病狂的艾迪德向国际维和组织宣战,美国方面派出160名特种部队成员前往摩加迪休以推翻艾迪德政权。 这群满腔热血的战士信心十足,然而却因情报搜集不足而使战事陷入胶着状态。在一次追捕艾迪德政权两大高官的行动中,特种部队受到索马里民兵的顽强抵抗。双方在市中心展开激烈对峙,美军一架黑鹰直升机受到攻击坠落市区,机组人员危在旦夕。为了营救同伴,一小队特种部队士兵深入虎穴。在接下来的15小时里,他们经历了人间最难以想象的修罗场……
Action/war drama based on the best-selling book detailing a near-disastrous mission in Somalia on October 3, 1993. On this date nearly 100 U.S. Army Rangers, commanded by Capt. Mike Steele, were dropped by helicopter deep into the capital city of Mogadishu to capture two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord. This led to a large and drawn-out firefight between the Army Ranges, US Special Forces, and hundreds of Somali gunmen; resulting in the destruction of two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters. The film focuses on the heroic efforts of various Rangers to get to the downed black hawks, centering on SSG Eversmann, leading the Ranger unit Chalk Four to the first black hawk crash site, Chief Warrant Officer Durant who was captured after being the only survivor of the second black hawk crash, as well as many others who were involved.
一句话评论:背景和行动全过程(转自铁血社区)。向美军致敬、黑鹰坠落真相。是否一场肮脏的战争。一次失败的Raid......为逃出副本拼了!。Leave No Man behind。什么样的电影会被我爱上?。战争是什么。我军一到,索马里海盗望风而逃。对白人光头大兵居然完全脸盲二刷才前后联系起来,才认出些大熟脸。。。T^T。黑鹰堕落。